Yoga & Mindfulness at work (in person or online)
Whether you are self-employed, a small-business owner or at the head of a big corporate company, you, your employees and your business will benefit from integrating yoga and mindfulness into your daily work routine and your wellness programme.
You can either organise actual Yoga classes on a yoga mat or Yoga at your desk workshops.
Health is wealth. It’s that simple, really. Healthy employees, healthy organisation. For example, research has shown that companies which offer yoga and wellness programmes to their employees reduce their annual health insurance premiums, and therefore improve their bottom line. Read more about Workplace Wellness Programmes here.
Yoga classes ​(online or in person)
My classes consist of warm-up exercises to generate mobility and flexibility, a gentle flow sequence and various balance and holding postures. The session always ends with a few minutes of breath-work and relaxation.
The classes are designed to help reduce back, neck, shoulder pain. They will also help decrease stress levels, boost energy levels, and improve mental clarity and concentration.
Whatever the age or level of flexibility of your employees, a regular yoga practice can make a major difference on their overall health and well-being. What else does an employer want but healthy and happy employees?
How to get organised for in-person classes?
Yoga classes can be scheduled every week, we can establish together an adapted schedule. Whatever the time of day, it is always a good idea to take a break, breathe and recharge your batteries.
A yoga class requires very little investment: a yoga mat per person and a room (gym, conference room, large office, rooftop, terrace). Participants must wear comfortable clothing, no need of a whole yoga attire. Note that it's not necessary to take a shower at the end of the session.
Classes can also be given as part of an incentive or team-building day, in a "one-shot" format.
'Yoga at your desk' workshops (online or in person)
A sore lower back, stiff neck, and tight hips and shoulders from sitting at a desk for sometimes more than 8 hours a day? Stress and anxiety? Low energy levels?
You don't have the space nor the time to get in your yoga gears, unroll your mat and take a whole yoga class?
Worry not, there is a solution: Office yoga!
I offer Yoga at your Desk workshop, a combination of Breathing exercises, Yoga stretches and Meditation.
Workshops can be between 20 to 90 minutes to help you and your employees recharge their batteries over lunchtime, just before or after a long working day.
The workshop are completely tailor-made to your own needs, whether you want to focus on breathing exercises, stretching or meditation.
They are designed to help reduce back, neck, shoulder pain. They will also help decrease stress levels, boost energy levels, and improve mental clarity and concentration.
Benefits of practicing yoga in the workplace
Decreased stress & anxiety
Enhanced mental health
Increased self-control
Improved ability to focus
Less absenteeism
Improved relational skills
Reduced symptoms of burnout
A decrease in turnover
Enhanced job performance
Enhanced resilience
Do you want to enjoy all the benefits of yoga in your workplace?